Under the Hawaiian Sun Read online

  Under the Hawaiian Sun

  Love Under Lockdown, Book 6

  A series of standalone quarantine romance books.

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Love Under Lockdown series:

  1): Under Lock & Key

  2): Under Lockdown

  3): Under Strict Orders

  4): Stuck Together

  5): Under His Roof

  6): Under the Hawaiian Sun

  Click here to see the entire series!

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9




  Sneak Peek of Under His Roof

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  Chapter 1


  I usually like my job, but there are definitely downsides to it. Being a paralegal can be very tiresome and tedious sometimes.

  I don't like being cooped up in the office all day long. I'm glad that at least I have a meeting with my boss this morning; it will break up the monotony. It's a last-minute thing, but he told me it was important.

  I know it's going to be difficult to concentrate around him. Randall Marsh is the most handsome partner in the firm, and I have a secret crush on him. Being around him is definitely a plus to this particular job.

  I fuss with my hair and clothes, then hurry to his office. I pause to knock on the open door, and he waves me to him. I walk in and stand before his desk, but he doesn’t say anything at first.

  I nervously tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before asking, "You wanted to see me, sir?"

  He looks up from the file he is reading, as if realizing for the first time that I’m here. I get chills as he stares right at me, glancing up and down as if he likes what he sees.

  "Yes. I’ll be flying out to Hawaii in a few days. I have to take a very important deposition and I'd like for you to accompany me," he announces.

  I want to open my mouth in shock, but I know I can't.

  I need to be professional.

  So, instead, I reply, "Yes sir," in as serious of a tone as I can manage.

  I want to scream and jump in excitement, but I control my enthusiasm. It's a really big deal for a junior employee to be asked to be a part of something important like this. It's also very exciting. A small part of me is kind of nervous about it though, thanks to the crush I have on this man. He stares at me a few moments longer, then goes back to the file he is reading.

  "I'll give you the exact dates and more information later," he says, in a tone that indicates I am being dismissed.

  "Very good, sir," I chirp as I back out of his office.

  I hurry to my desk and sit down. Then I pull out a notepad and pen and start writing a list of things I need to do to prepare for the trip. I have to make sure I am well-prepared. I don't want to mess up my job.

  Career-wise, being asked to go away with the boss is a huge honor. I'm sure that if other people in the office knew, they'd probably all be jealous. I pause my writing, and chew anxiously on the tip of my pen. I feel pangs of desire stir in me, as a sudden daydream pops into my head. I picture myself in a gorgeous bikini, strolling the tropical beaches. My boss is next to me and his hands are all over me. The idea alone is enough to make me wet.

  I'm shocked by the thought, because I hadn't realized that my flame for him was that strong. I remember the way he sometimes looks at me when I'm in his office – how he takes in my whole body like he just had when I was in his office – and I wonder if he gets as turned on around me as I do around him.

  Then I shake my head and laugh. That is ridiculous. There's no way that someone as gorgeous as him would be interested in someone like me.

  Besides, this is a business trip. That means the right attitude will be professionalism and nothing else. I finish making my to-do list, then take a bathroom break.

  As I'm washing my hands, my mind starts to wander back to my daydream. We are alone on the beach. The waves splash behind us. The sun glimmers on our bodies.

  Suddenly Randall strips off our clothes and lays me down in the sand. He makes wild, passionate love to me for the first time in my life. I feel myself growing warm and wet. I splash cool water on my face and take a deep breath. I need to calm down.

  Someone else walks into the bathroom, distracting me from my thoughts. I hurry out and head to the break room. I need a cup of coffee, plus I want to avoid the area near my boss's office for a while. I need to get my head straight.

  After that coffee break, I feel better. I go back to my desk and am finally able to focus. I finish up work early, then spend the next few hours gathering the papers and files that we will need for our trip.

  I take my to-do list and stuff it in my purse. Everything on there can be done on my personal time. It's mainly stuff that I need to pack and take care of at home.

  I spend the rest of the day typing up memos and important notes from other cases. For a while I'm able to forget about my boss and the trip, but I know I'll think about it later tonight when I'm at home. My excitement about everything will kick in full force then too.

  I spot my boss standing in his office. I watch him for a few seconds before he turns towards me. I can't tell if he notices me or not, but I get embarrassed and remind myself to keep working. I go back to typing and soon lose myself in the words.

  By the time I finish, it's already time for my lunch break, so I grab my purse and walk to a nearby restaurant for a sandwich and a soda. I need to get out of the office and get some fresh air for a bit.

  Neither the walk nor the food helps to clear my mind, though, which is unfortunate. This Hawaii trip is all I can think about. It's pretty much the one exciting thing going on in my life right now, which is really pathetic, I have to admit.

  I finish the sandwich, but take my soda back to the office with me. When I walk in, I see that there is a new stack of case notes on my desk.

  I see a note on them that says, "to be typed."

  It's written in Randall’s handwriting. Those all-consuming feelings start to come back, but I force them away. I sigh softly, then sit down. Then I stretch a little before getting to work. I'm going to be sitting here a while. I’ll just try to remain professional and not to let my fantasies about Randall run away with me.

  Chapter 2


  After I was done instructing Mary, I turned my attention back to my work. She took that as a sign that she was free to exit. She left the door to my office open as she went. Her ass wiggled as she walked away – that plump, curvy ass of hers – and I exhaled deeply.

  I had no choice but to remain seated while she was in here. My cock is still rock-hard underneath my desk. It usually is whenever I see her and her body. She's gorgeous. I can't stop myself from being attracted to her no matter how hard I try.

  Watching her isn't helping me either at the moment. I put the file down that I had been pretending to study when she walked in. It was supposed to help me focus on anything else but her, but it was no use.

>   I try to stop thinking about her, but I can’t. She's always in my head lately, constantly. Sometimes these thoughts I have about her make it hard to get any work done, like right now. Usually I can force them away, but now that my fantasies are combined with the thought of going away with her on this trip, it's even more difficult.

  I sigh when I think about how rough it is going to be, controlling my feelings and urges with her while we’re away. Those are good reasons why I shouldn't have chosen her to go along with me, but they are also the reasons that I want her to come in the first place. Not to mention she's the most qualified person for the job.

  She's the only other person, besides me, who knows all about the case and client. She's also a good paralegal. She's always very professional, and she takes her work here very seriously. She outshines all the others in the office.

  My cock throbs.

  I wish I could have just spread her out on top of my desk and eaten her pussy.

  I shake my head. I need to get out of here, try and clear my head, so I grab my jacket and walk out of our offices.

  To calm down, I decide to go to the gym located on one of the other floors. This building belongs to my large law firm and we had it constructed ourselves. It’s state-of-the-art, so it’s equipped with everything.

  Once I get there, I plug in my headphones and blast some music as I lift weights. I even punch the bag a few times, but nothing seems to help. Mary's still on my mind. The way she dresses, walks around, moves.

  I can’t bear it any longer and I walk to the showers. I need to relieve my stress.

  In the shower, I stroke my cock urgently. The whole time I think about what I want to do to her. I'd ask her into my office and close the door behind her. I'd sit her on top of my desk, then slowly lift up her skirt. She'd be dripping wet already for me.

  I'd push her panties aside, then slowly slide my tongue all around her pussy. I'd pause to suck lightly on her swollen clit. She would shudder on my lips. I would make her moan and call out my name until she exploded in my mouth.

  She would taste and feel so good. I would moan loudly for her, too. For a long time, there has been no one else I’ve wanted but her.

  I cum in my hand, then finish washing off. I feel better, but also disappointed. I'm tired of having to do things this way. I don't like having to resort to all these silly daydreams and fantasies. I’m starting to feel like they’re not enough anymore.

  I wish I could make these thoughts that I have about her a reality, but that would cause a lot of problems around the office for both of us. I don't need extra stress right now.

  I turn off the shower and change into a clean suit. I need to get back up to my office and finalize my preparations for this trip. This is a very important case that we are working on, so I can't afford to make any mistakes.

  Having already came, I feel that I’ll be better able to concentrate on work. As I'm walking back, I pass her desk. She isn't there. I'm both glad and sad. I shouldn't be either of those, but I can't help it.

  I shrug my feelings off and force myself to think about work. It's not easy, but it's what I have to do.

  I turn my attention to the files on my desk. I start to read through each one thoroughly. I need to know all the details of the case. I hope she is preparing as hard as I am.

  I sigh in frustration. I really have to stop myself from thinking about her so much. It's very distracting and can only lead to problems here. She would be worth any amount of trouble, though.

  I chuckle at that thought. I'm able to read through two files before I need a break. I feel like the small print is going to give me a headache. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me.

  I think about the upcoming adventure. Even though it's still work, I can't wait to go and feel the tropical weather. It's going to be a nice change of pace from being stuck here in the city.

  I sort through the rest of the papers. I’m going to have to make sure Mary gets these. I’ve just realized that some of these she hasn't seen yet, and I want her to be prepared and know every detail about it before we arrive.

  This is just busywork. I don't feel like getting back to reading right now. I'm going to try to put it off as long as I can. That's what I usually do.

  Some might not consider it a smart business move, but that's how I work. I've always been successful at my job, and that means that doing things the way I have been doing has worked well for me so far.

  But I have to make sure I don’t get distracted by Mary, or all my normal ways of working will be out the window. Yes, Mary is curvy and gorgeous, but I tell myself that’s no reason to lose all focus, just for her. I have a feeling that’s easier said than done, though, since it’s all I’ve been unsuccessfully telling myself for a while now.

  Chapter 3


  I'm so excited about the trip that I have to tell someone. When I get home to my apartment, my roommate is sitting on the couch watching TV. I usually try to keep my distance from her. I get the feeling that she doesn't like me too much. I'm not sure why, as I have always tried my best to be polite and friendly to everyone that I know.

  Maybe it's because I am always hanging around the place. I think me being here interrupts her make-out sessions with her boyfriend. Seriously, they are always going at it. I try not to let it irritate me, but I can't help it.

  Tonight is apparently the first night in a while that he's not over here, which is a surprise. Still, no matter how she treats me, I always try to be nice to her. That is just the type of person that I am.

  "Hey," I say happily to her as I walk by.

  I put my purse in my room, then head back through the living room to the kitchen.

  "Oh, hi," she replies in a monotone voice.

  She doesn't take her eyes off the TV. That's how our conversations usually go. She only talks to me if she absolutely has to. I fix myself a quick snack, then stand near the arm of the couch.

  "So, I got some exciting news today," I hesitantly announce.

  I wait for a reaction, but I don't get much of one. Can’t say I'm very surprised by that.

  "Oh really?" she asks.

  She's staring at the TV and twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. She sounds so bored with what I have to say. I don't care, though; I'm too excited.

  "I'm going to Hawaii with my boss!" I blurt out.

  It takes a few seconds to register, then she finally looks at me with interest.

  "That's great! What day are you leaving?" she asks excitedly, picking up her phone.

  I sigh softly. No doubt she wants to tell her boyfriend when he can stay over. Still, at least she got a little bit excited about my news, even though it wasn’t for the reason I wanted.

  I tell her that I'll get back to her about that. She nods rapidly, then goes back to texting. I take my food and go into my bedroom. I need to relax.

  I close the door behind me. My roommate never bothers me, but I feel the urge to lock it anyway, just in case. I set my food on the desk, then strip off my work clothes. Then I change into a nightie to be comfortable and flop on my bed.

  I sigh contentedly, before I look at my TV and wonder if I should watch anything, but I decide not to. I close my eyes instead, and I see myself back at work. I'm watching my boss walk around, and I can feel his gaze burning back at me. Suddenly he calls me into his office and closes the door behind me.

  I slide my fingers under my nightie and begin playing with myself. I imagine being in Randall's office, and him pressing me up against the door. He slides his fingers inside of me to check if I am ready for him. I so am. With a smile he lifts my skirt and slides his cock inside of me. I bite my lip at the thought of how incredible it would feel to actually have that happen.

  I continue to finger myself, all the while wishing that it was him. To have him take my virginity would be so hot. I’m rather embarrassed to still even have my virginity at the age of twenty. But I’d been so busy working my way up at the law firm – from rece
ptionist in high school to legal assistant a year later and now to a paralegal – that I never had time to date.

  Plus, guys my age were so immature. I wish that an older and more experienced guy like Randall would pop my cherry. I bet he has a big cock and that he’d be gentle at first, pushing it into me inch by inch, and then get rougher once I was used to it. Maybe he’d talk dirty to me and spank me for being such a bad girl.

  The idea of that pushes me over the edge. I cum, thinking about Randall’s cock in my pussy instead of my fingers, and then I rearrange my nightie. I go to the bathroom across the hall to shower and think about it some more.

  I can hear my roommate giggling from the other side of the apartment. She’s no doubt talking to her boyfriend on the phone. They’re probably laughing about all the fun they’ll have together once I’m gone.

  That’s fine with me. I’d rather be with Randall in Hawaii, any day.

  I make the water warmer and imagine my boss bending me over his desk. I don't think I would be able to get enough of him being inside of me. I start to wonder exactly how big his cock is.

  I blush at my thought and then go back to washing up. I shouldn't be thinking things like that, but I can't help myself. My love life is basically nonexistent, so daydreams are pretty much the only thing that I have going on right now.

  As I rinse shampoo out of my hair, I wonder if I might meet someone in Hawaii. I laugh a little at that idea.

  It’s always possible, but probably not. Good things like that don't happen to me. I figure that the most that will happen is that I'll end up hanging around the hotel, and probably sharing drinks with my boss, if I can get away with using my fake ID without anyone noticing, even him. I’m not sure he knows how old I am, so hopefully he won’t care if I drink.

  Now there's an interesting idea. Usually when people drink, exciting things follow, right?

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