Under the Countdown: Quarantined with My Boss on New Year's Eve
Under the Countdown
Love Under Lockdown, Book 24
A series of standalone quarantine romance books.
Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.
All rights reserved.
Jamie Knight –
Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author
Here are the books so far in the Love Under Lockdown series:
1): Under Lock & Key
2): Under Lockdown
3): Under Strict Orders
4): Stuck Together
5): Under His Roof
6): Under the Hawaiian Sun
7): Under Wraps
8): Under His Care
9): Under the Sheets
10): Dating During Lockdown
11): Under His Protection
12): Locked Down with Mr. Right
13): Under His Watchful Eye
14): Below Deck
15): Under the Rancher’s Firm Hand
16): Under His Suit
17): Who Wants to Lock Down a Billionaire?
18): Under His Discipline
19): Under the Want Ads
20): Cramped Quarters
21): Lock Step
22): Under His Ownership
23): Under the Mistletoe
24): Under the Countdown
New books are always being added.
Click here to see the entire series!
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Table of Contents
Chapter One - Ana
Chapter Two - Tucker
Chapter Three - Ana
Chapter Four - Tucker
Chapter Five - Ana
Epilgoue - Tucker
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Sneak Peek of Under the Mistletoe
Books in the Love Under Lockdown Series
Chapter One - Ana
It was the alarm’s fault. Yes, I had set it, but then the capricious digital bastard had declined to work as it was supposed to according to the included instructions. The appointed time came and went with no particular fanfare and on I slept.
My sister had once insisted that she snored, but I was such a sound sleeper that I refused to believe it without solid evidence in the form of a recording of some sort, preferably digital, despite the distaste I had with machines at that particular point in the space-time continuum.
It was my second month at the company. The longest in recent history. It wasn’t altogether my fault I’d had fifteen jobs in the last two years. Maybe partly but not wholly, the fates never failing to find an opportunity to kick me when I was down.
There was the little stuff, like when the radio station I worked at a couple of months before switched formats. I could have stayed if I knew how to speak Spanish.
Then there was the big stuff, like when the finance company I was excited to land a job at went into involuntary liquidation, on account of half the board getting fifteen to twenty years in prison for insider trading. All beyond my control, but nonetheless I was determined to keep trying.
I had been hired on at Fortress VPN by the founder himself, and if there was anywhere I might make it to research and development, really putting my math degree to use, it was there. It didn’t hurt that the boss in question, Tucker Crowe, was smokin’ hot in a way that made my panties wet anytime he spoke to me. Which was quite a lot, considering I was hired as his personal assistant.
He didn’t even make fun of my Aussie accent, which most of the others did, at least at first. I’d tried to soften it so no one would notice, but apparently that wasn’t enough.
Now I was worried about losing yet another job, and along with it my hot, nice boss to boot. Showered, freshened and dressed appropriately for our casual office, I headed out with fifteen minutes to spare. It was still possible I could get there on time!
I stopped by Dunkin’ Donuts to buy myself some breakfast first and decided to get enough to share with co-workers, if only because I was in too much of a rush to make up my mind about which ones I wanted, so I just asked for one of everything. I didn’t have to worry about rush hour on account of taking the bus, which was an advantage as much as a curse a lot of the time.
I was also counting on the fact that, when he could be bothered to actually come into the office, Tucker was often ‘late,’ at least according to everyone else’s schedules, knowing full well he was well within his rights to do so as the boss. It wasn’t like the place would fall apart without him.
There was his partner Jack to oversee things. And Tucker also made it a point to hire people who could work independently. Which, in my case, meant sitting on social media and playing near endless rounds of online poker and solitaire until he decided he needed me for something, assuming he had actually come in that day.
If this latest gig fell through, I was confident I could go on to a successful career as a card shark. At least if the real thing was anything like the simulation.
I scrambled off the bus and into the office, my ass hitting the leather computer chair right at the appointed time, the chair turning a bit due to all my leftover energy. Feeling so proud of myself for making it in time, I stared at the box of donuts on my desk. My intention had been to share them with everyone, but now I was second guessing that idea.
Surely no one would notice if I had some before giving them to others. The trick was to make sure I could eat six of them— which I was pretty sure I could, since I was so hungry— so it looked like the kid at the bakery was new and had just grabbed the wrong box.
I knew it was a bit of a dick move, but I was starving, having been too nervous about making it in time to eat any on the bus, and desperate times called for desperate measures. Besides which, if history was anything to go by, the pilfered pastries would go straight to my ass, karmic justice being served right along the with a high-calorie, much overdue breakfast.
Scarfing down the required amount in record time, believing there weren’t any of those new, tiny cameras around, I moved like a ninja into the break room, placing the open box on the table. The six remaining occupants of the box looked like the survivors in a lifeboat. I tried to arrange them so that they covered more space, but no matter what I did, it still looked a bit ridiculous.
Not wanting to get caught, I went back to my desk, assuming no one would notice. Not that they would know that I was the one who had brought them, anyway. If they did, they were keeping silent about it.
As far as I could tell, Shanna at the front desk was getting most of the credit. I didn’t mind. She was a nice enough girl and had done nothing bad to me. Not to mention that I would look like an idiot, coming out and saying that I was the one who had brought them, particularly at this point in the game.
One thing I learned from years of playing rugby was that timing is everything. Particularly when you’re five-foot five with a delicate bone structure.
I eyed the door to Tucker’s office, wondering if he was in there. Even if he wasn’t, I was still glad to be here in case he needed my help with anything. I was willing to help him out with anything he wanted. No matter how intimate or demanding it might seem.
I couldn’t help but to think about that, and everything about Tucker, in a dirty way. In a flash of filthy-mindedness, I imagined Tucker at his massive desk, stroking his big, hard cock. Calling me in there, he would ask me to help him out with that.
Without hesitation, I would go over to him and drop to my knees onto the plush Persian rug
I knew he had in there. Gazing at his mighty manhood, I would lick my way up its softly throbbing shaft, until I got all the way to its head.
Tucker would moan all the way along my little sojourn. He would gasp even louder when I dropped my entire mouth over his cock, taking him part way down my throat before sucking him off like crazy, working him deep in my mouth despite the sheer, pulsing size of him.
He would take my hair, always kept in a long blond braid, and wrap it around his hand, taking full control of my head. I could imagine myself closing my eyes as I stroked my lips further along his massive shaft, receiving even more of him down my throat.
Tucker would moan as I did so, letting me know how much he enjoyed it. I couldn’t be happier, glad my role of assisting him was going so well.
Letting out a long, loud moan, he would unleash a huge load down my throat. This wouldn’t be a problem though, because I would take it all, happily swallowing down his sweet cum, not missing a single drop. I would lick his cock clean, and he would pull me to him, kissing me furiously, his tongue making amazing movements in my mouth.
I could only imagine it. All of it, honestly. I had just turned 21 and still had yet to even touch a cock, let alone swallow one.
I didn’t think it had much to do with my body. My ass was round, but it was firm, and I had nice big breasts as well. I wasn’t a knockout, but I could definitely be considered cute, particularly being shorter than most of the guys I grew up with— and most of the girls, too, for that matter.
There must have been something in the water in my town, but they considered me something of a shrimp, even though I would be average in most places. But the boys I grew up with never seemed that interested in me and I stopped trying, despite being crazy horny. Something that only became stronger as I grew older.
And now that I’d met Tucker, it was like my inner wild child desperately wanted out. Fantasies like the one of with me blowing him in his office only became more frequent and more vivid the longer I knew him. Many was the night I touched myself to him, thinking about him deflowering me.
If it wasn’t for that, I would have no sex life at all. It was one of the sadder elements of my existence. Yet there didn’t look to be much I could do about it. Tucker was friendly enough, but I honestly had no idea if he saw me that way at all. Not to mention that it would be forbidden, since he was my supervisor.
There was also the age gap to consider. Ten years wasn’t really all that much, but it would seem like more when our relative positions were considered.
Horny as I was, I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his career. Not least because I myself would also probably lose my job, again, and it was just such a headache finding a new one. Particularly when coming off of one as cushy as I was lucky enough to have gotten into.
I would just have to keep it in my pants and keep my raging libido in check.
It couldn’t be all that hard.
Chapter Two - Tucker
I never did anything by half measures. My mother always told me if I was going to do something, then do it. If not right, then at least all the way.
As a result, I always finished what I started, going to the logical extreme in everything. It could be a bit surprising to people at first, but most of them soon got used to it. My theory was that most people got so caught up in what they thought they were supposed to do that they still tried to do things even when they were impossible, stopping before they were done. But I only focused on things I knew I wanted to do.
Sleep, for example, was a thing to which I was fully dedicated. There were clocks and schedules and all that fancy stuff that people used to give their lives meaning, but none of it meant much in the end. Time itself was a human construct. I preferred to simply exist in whatever state I found myself in.
That morning I was asleep. A state of being from which it would take wild horses to drag me, and not even that would work. Not the alarm or the sensation of the sun shining into my face, nor the kitchen staff marching down the hall right outside my door, as if they were playing racquetball on all sorts of brass instruments, the less musically inclined resigning themselves to banging pots and pans together.
It had been the cook's idea and, as miraculous as she could be with flapjacks, cunning plans were simply not Mrs. Malone’s forte. I still didn’t get up, despite her best intentions to make sure I did.
Rising in my own good time, not even bothering to glance at the bedside clock, I moseyed on over to the bathroom for a cold, refreshing shower before putting in an appearance at work.
I couldn’t have people thinking I employed Ana just so I could have something nice to look at on my breaks. Her curvy body was a plus, but that wasn’t why I’d hired her. She had the most impressive resume out of everyone who applied.
Truth be told, she was overqualified, but I would not let that stand between me and a great assistant. I’d had so few over my career, aside from Shanna, of course, though she was more for the reception desk. I wanted a wonderful assistant all to myself.
I was selfish, for sure, but it wasn’t like Ana wasn’t benefiting from the arrangement. I liked to think of myself as a philanthropist. Even though I wasn’t clear on the meaning of the word until well into high school. Latinate phrasing didn’t come up a lot in advanced math.
Freshly showered and smelling of lavender, it was time to select my outfit for the day, a process made easier by the fact that I wore one of the same dove gray two-piece suits every day. The primary difference between them was the color of the pocket-square, tucked, just so, into the front pocket.
And I wore a clashing tie, of course. I would only need an umbrella and a bowler hat at a jaunty angle to complete the look. I let my employees dress casually while I went all out.
Dressed to the nines, I ventured down the twisting stairs to the main floor and, more importantly, the dining room, where my breakfast sat cooling on the table.
It struck most folks as odd that a tech leader would choose to dress in the manner of a Victorian Chap, but I liked fashion and took it to the nth degree by focusing on the time when male fashion was at its peak of elegance, without veering over into the realm of the silly. Or at least I tried not to.
I ate slowly, as it was better for the digestion. Therefore, my pace reached the level of the leisurely. I was the boss, after all. If I couldn’t go in late on occasion, what was the point of all the power?
It wasn’t as though the place was going to fall like a house of cards from a worn-out deck if I showed up late, or indeed not at all. The structure was set up to avoid any such eventuality. Besides which, Jack was a clock-slave if there ever was one and would keep things going in my absence.
Taking time to wash the dishes, which I honestly found relaxing, I left them to dry before jaunting out to the garage. The Aston Martin purred to wakefulness. If I was lucky, I would be so late I was early, most of the clock slaves just getting to work due to having to sit in rush hour traffic.
I checked my Rolex and confirmed that I should indeed be free and clear, as I drove on roads as empty as a zombie apocalypse.
The best laid plans of mine and men was a lesson I had yet to properly learn, as the wall of license plates up ahead of me was quick to confirm. There must have been an accident. Not a thing was moving and there was nothing to do but relax.
Leaving the motor running, I put on some music and reclined my seat until I was nearly laying down. The only trick would be not to fall back asleep, so I made staying awake my goal for the moment, tuning up the sound until the bass lines were vibrating through the frame of the car.
There were likely a few negative nellies who didn’t like it much but if they shouted, I didn’t her them. The music was too loud. It was winter, anyway, and not many drivers would be out with their windows rolled down.
Eventually the cars up ahead started moving. As I got closer to the office, I started to wonder how everyone was doing. My mind’s eye focused particularly on sweet Ana. I cou
ldn’t help but wonder if she was there, at her desk, waiting for me like a good girl.
I couldn’t deny that the thought turned me on. I really did believe that everyone should choose their own path in life, but I also knew better than anyone that such a choice could include serving another.
In some ways, it was the ultimate act of independence, to give your own power over to someone else. You could not give away that which you did not fully possess.
I rolled into the executive spot, glad that it was available. The company had rented out the entire top floor of the parking garage, so there were few things I hated more than when I couldn’t find parking. Taking care to lock my beloved car, I went at a swift amble toward my destiny.
“Good morning, sir,” I heard Shanna say as I entered the lobby.
“And to you, Shanna,” I replied, with a cordial nod of my head, “and I’ve told you, please call me Tucker.”
“Yes sir, Tucker.”
“Force of habit,” Shanna said with a shrug.
“You’re forgiven this time. Not least because it was pretty funny.”
“I please to aim.”
“Have you considered going on the stage?” I asked.
“Nah, I work best off the cuff.”
“Oh, so a tailor then,” I said, with a wink.
Shanna laughed dutifully at my terrible joke, and I made a note for her upcoming performance review. She was definitely getting a raise in the next quarter. I needed a bit of honest humanity around the place. Programmers were great when you needed something done but somewhat lacked in the conversation department.
“Ana, working hard or hardly working?”
I thought she was going to jump right of her skin, the poor thing.
She was either engrossed in work or something else online. Considering that I hadn’t actually given her any work yet, I’d be willing to bet my considerable amount of money on the latter.