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Under the Hawaiian Sun Page 2

I shake my head and turn off the water. There is no way anything like that would ever come to pass. Bosses and office workers don't mix like that. Besides, people would start gossiping. I don't want either of us to get in trouble. But I can still daydream about it, at least.

  I finish up in the bathroom and go back to my room. Then I turn on my TV and watch a sitcom while I eat my food. I need the laughs to distract me – even though it’s a cheeseball one, with a fake laugh track, and I’m not a fan of those.

  Afterwards I take my dishes to the kitchen, then lounge in bed and check my emails for a while before I feel like I'm ready to sleep. It still takes me some time after that to pass out, though, because I’m thinking about the trip.

  I can't wait to see the gorgeous islands and get out of the city. I guess this is almost like my vacation.

  That thought makes me laugh into my pillow. It's a working vacation, but at least I don't have to pay. I don’t think so, anyway.

  I actually need to ask Randall about that at work tomorrow. And about a lot of other trip details as well. I put all thoughts of it out of my head, and concentrate on his handsome face, with its brown hair, green eyes, and sultry, charming smile, and I'm able to finally fall asleep.

  Chapter 4


  When Monday rolls around, the morning sun finds the two of us in a plane going to Hawaii. I feel relaxed as we leave the concrete jungle behind us for a little while. I sneak a glance over at Mary, who is sitting in the seat next to me, quietly reading a magazine.

  I can't get over how cute she looks. She must have bought new clothes for this trip. Of course, she looks incredible no matter what she wears.

  She lifts her eyes from her reading and glances around at the other passengers. I can see excitement on her face. She notices me watching her and gives me an embarrassed smile.

  She closes her magazine and says, "I'm sorry, but I've never done anything like this before," with a little giggle.

  I don't think she realizes how provocative that sounds, because she’s so sweet and innocent.

  My feelings for her are stirring again so I ask her a suggestive, "What do you mean?"

  She blushes at my tone.

  "O-oh, sorry. I meant I've never ridden on a plane before," she clarifies, looking away from me for a second.

  Her reaction to this little conversation has me thinking that she is still a virgin. That makes me want her even more. I start to wish I could have sex with her right here. Before I can get too into that particular fantasy, though, the people across the aisle from us start loudly complaining about our flight attendant, who had been slow to bring our drink orders.

  "We didn’t pay a lot of money for first class to get this bad service," someone whines.

  This distracts Mary from me. She looks at the flight attendant, then shakes her head at the rude people.

  "That's not fair, I'm sure she's doing the best she can," she whispers softly.

  It takes me by surprise that she would vocally sympathize with the stewardess. It makes me think that she might be different from most people. In the legal world, there aren’t many people who are genuinely kind, so she’s like a breath of fresh air.

  She's forgotten our conversation completely by now and goes back to reading her magazine. I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes for a few minutes. Eventually the flight attendant makes her way to us.

  She apologizes for the delay and hands us our drinks. I thank her stiffly. Mary smiles, and surprises us both by slipping a tip into the flight attendant’s hand. She gives Mary a grateful smile back before walking away.

  I want to tell her that she didn't need to do that - the drinks in first class are complimentary - but she's lost in her magazine and sipping her drink. I take a sip of mine too; it's nice and refreshing.

  I tilt my head back again, but I'm secretly watching Mary out of the corner of my eye. I'm even more curious to get to know her better now.

  In our short time on the plane, I’ve discovered that she is not only good at her job, but also that she is a very sweet and caring person. And again, she is incredibly hot.

  I wonder what she thinks about me?

  Or if she ever even does?

  Probably not.

  I know some people fantasize about their bosses, but I think Mary's too innocent and also too professional for that. I watch as she excuses herself to the restroom, on edge until she comes back.

  This is crazy. I want her so badly. It took every ounce of self-control not to follow her into that bathroom and have my way with her. I wonder how she would have reacted to that.

  I worry that she can somehow hear my thoughts, because she looks up suddenly from her magazine. But she only gives me a cute smile and resumes reading. That’s yet another gesture that takes me by surprise.

  Her personality is so adorable. These feelings are driving me to distraction. I can't stand it anymore.

  I come to a decision. She is going to be mine no matter what.

  I gulp the rest of my drink and set the glass aside. I spend the rest of the flight with my eyes closed. I'm like a teenager, trying to think of things I can do to get her to notice me more. Eventually my thoughts start to put me to sleep.

  I drift in and out during the flight. During the few times I wake, I notice that she’s sleeping, too, and I watch her dream. She looks even cuter then, somehow.

  As I fall in and out of sleep, I think that maybe I'll find the answer to my problem when we land. Hawaii is very beautiful. Maybe being on the island will relax us both and put her in a sensual mood.

  Honestly, the flight alone would have done that for me, if I hadn’t been already ready to be with her since our meeting at the office. There should be fewer problems to worry about now that we are away from work. In fact, the only complication I can see right now is convincing her to be with me.

  My heart thumps in my chest as she moves in her sleep. Her head hangs inches from my shoulder.

  I wish I could just reach over and pull her to me. I go to the bathroom and take some calming breaths. I'm getting all worked up again. I need to be calm for tomorrow's appointment.

  I remind myself of that and it slowly works. By the time I go back to my seat, she's turned the other way. I exhale a sigh of relief and I'm able to relax as I sit back down.

  I go over all the pertinent case information that I have been reading the past few days in my head. I want to make sure that I'm mentally prepared for this deposition when we arrive.

  Mary assured me that she has been doing the same thing, ever since I asked her to come assist me on this trip. I believe her completely; I have no reason not to. I should add honesty to the list of qualities that I have noticed about her recently.

  I feel myself growing tired from thinking about work, so I pull my little blanket up over my shoulders and go back to sleep. I know we will be landing soon, so I want to make sure that I'm as rested as possible for whatever happens while we are there.

  Chapter 5


  The next morning, an alarm wakes me up in my huge hotel room. I reach over and turn it off. It takes me a second to remember where I am. Once I do, I smile and stretch out on the comfortable hotel bed.

  When we got in last night, it was late and we were both worried about jet lag. So, once we checked into this amazingly gorgeous hotel, we each went to our separate adjoining rooms and fell fast asleep.

  Now, I want to stay here and lounge for a while longer, but I know I can't. I have an important job to do today and I want to make a good impression on my boss. I get out of bed and go to my suitcase.

  I wanted to look my very best, so I bought some new clothes for this trip. I carefully pick out an outfit. When I find one that I like, I take my time in the shower, thinking about yesterday as I wash my hair.

  I had a great time flying first class all the way over here. My boss is so wealthy and handsome; any woman in the firm would jump at the chance to go on a work trip with him. I still can't believe th
at he asked me to come. It's so exciting.

  After showering and dressing, I go back into the room. It's an adjoining suite to his, so I try not to make a lot of noise. I don't know if Randall is awake yet or not and I don't want to disturb him.

  I look at my phone. It's still early. I'm about to open my briefcase and go over the information I prepared for today when a noise catches me by surprise.

  Then I realize that someone is knocking on my door. I open it to see Randall standing there. I didn’t expect him to be ready so early. He looks freshly showered and, as always, handsome in his suit. I tell myself not to think about that, and to just concentrate on my duties for today.

  "Good morning. I just wanted to see if you were prepared for work today," he says, still blinking sleep out of his eyes.

  "Yes, definitely sir," I reply.

  I open the door for him, and gesture for him to come inside. I'm eager to impress him and show him what I can do. He walks inside and takes a seat at the table in our shared suite area. I stand across from him and pull a stack of papers out of my briefcase.

  "Have you prepared the questions for me to ask the deponent today?" he inquires.

  I flip through the papers quickly and lay some of them before him.

  "Yes, I have them here. I've written quite a few. I hope that's ok?" I ask a little cautiously.

  "That's fine. Would you mind reading through them for me?" he asks politely.

  I stammer a yes, caught a bit off-guard by this request.

  I pick up the papers and rifle through them, trying to keep my knees from shaking. I'm so nervous. He keeps his eyes on me the whole time I'm reading. I try not to notice his incredible facial structure. Those cheekbones…

  I fumble and drop everything I’m holding to the floor. All this is so embarrassing, not just because I have to bend over in front of him to gather my notes, but also because my panties are soaked. I'm so turned on by him.

  Thank goodness he doesn't know about that last part. I try to pick up the papers quickly.

  "Sorry. I think we are pretty much done though," I mumble.

  I hope he's not upset at me for messing up at the end. He's silent a few seconds before answering.

  "Well, I'm very impressed."

  The way he says it makes my stomach turn. Not in an uncomfortable way, but in a way that makes me both happy and nervous. I get the strange feeling that he might be talking about more than just my deposition preparations. I try not to dwell on that possibility though. I need to remain level-headed today.

  Eventually I manage to gather up all the papers and join him at the table. I try my best to stay professional as I put my notes back in order. I read out the last few questions, though I don't think it really matters much.

  Afterwards he nods, and thanks me for my work. He leaves the room, saying he'll be back to get me when it's time to head to court. He has phone calls to make.

  I breathe a sigh of relief once I’m by myself again. That was so humiliating. I put the papers away and double-check that I have everything we need for our appointment. Then I reapply my makeup and fuss with my clothes.

  We still have some time left to wait, so I check my emails, then gaze out the window of the hotel room. I can't wait to lounge by the pool later and catch some sun. I smile, imagining myself doing that already. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

  "Time to go," he calls from the other side.

  I hurriedly grab my purse and briefcase. The sooner this is finished, the sooner I can relax. I open the door and follow him out of the hotel and into the car that waits for us.

  We share a silent ride, wrapped in our own thoughts. Mine are about work. I've shifted back into professional mode. I want to succeed as much as I can in my career, and in order to do that, I need to make sure I do a good job on every assignment. I can't make any mistakes.

  The car slows as we reach our destination. I nervously pull on my blazer, and fix the hem of my skirt. I think I notice Randall looking at me, but maybe I’m imagining things. The glance was so quick. Maybe it's just because I want him to notice me so bad? I don't know.

  I sigh, then force myself to prepare for the upcoming meeting. This is a major client that we are working with today. That's another reason why it's such a big deal that I was chosen to be here.

  The car pulls up outside of the house we’ll be convening in and I follow my boss out. The warm air hits our faces, but there is a slight breeze. I can’t believe how nice that feels. I love Hawaii, I love being here with Randall, and I’m starting to wish we never had to go back, as naïve as I know that sounds.

  Yet I’m still nervous for this deposition and I really hope it goes smoothly. Only then can I concentrate on the fun of being on this island with my hot, rich boss.

  Chapter 6


  Sitting in the deposition, I reflect on how pleased I am with the way things are being handled so far. I definitely made the right choice, asking Mary to help me with this assignment. I don't think I have ever been more prepared for anything.

  Everything is going smoothly. The client seems impressed by the detailed questions I am asking the witness. I feel impressed with myself too. This is all thanks to Mary. She did an excellent job assisting me earlier today.

  Speaking of earlier, when she bent over, all I could think about was how great her ass looked in her professional skirt suit. I wanted to rip it off her so badly. It’s still occupying my mind. I can't seem to stop myself from these thoughts no matter how hard I try.

  She's so hot that it's distracting me from work right now – something that rarely happens. I didn’t get to be a billionaire lawyer and founder of a large, successful law firm by not being focused on my goals. Yet there is something about her that just completely throws me off my normal game.

  I just need to get through the rest of this deposition, then I'll be free to spend the whole day with her. I tell myself that several times, and it actually helps.

  Of course, now I want to hurry the rest of the appointment. I try to force myself to be patient, and to do a good job, but it's difficult. I think of the time I’ll get to spend with Mary afterwards, and convince myself that that will be my reward for enduring all of this right now. That thought comforts me and I finish the deposition to a great deal of praise from the client.

  A few long hours after we first left, we arrive back at the hotel. We are both relaxing by the pool. I have been waiting for this moment all morning. It nearly killed me to have to, but seeing her now is definitely worth it. I have to keep reminding myself not to let myself erect around her, because I don't want her to see it through my swim trunks. This is both difficult and frustrating.

  The bright sun feels warm against my skin. I could spend all day out here. Maybe I will. After all, we deserve it after the good job we did this morning. That reminds me, I should compliment Mary on that. She was of great help to me. I hope my words of praise will make her smile. I'm sure they will.

  I lower my sunglasses and check out Mary. She's in her lounge chair, lying back and soaking up the sun. She looks gorgeous in the bikini that she’s wearing. It shows off all her curves, and it’s driving me out of my mind how good she looks.

  I want her even more now than I did earlier. This unstoppable longing for her grows stronger whenever I am with her. It sounds crazy but it's true. I have big plans for later to try and get closer to her. I hope they work out the way that I want them to.

  I put my sunglasses on. She doesn't seem to notice that I'm watching her. I don't mean to, but I can't stop myself from doing it. She's just so gorgeous. I have seen beautiful women before, but none have ever even come close to her. There's just something about her.

  I have always dreamed of a woman with curves, and she definitely has those. I want to lose myself in every one of them. I need to calm down and distract myself. I have to wait until later. I'm actually excited for what I have planned.

  Eventually I start to take notice of the people around us at t
he pool. The atmosphere out here has me really fucking puzzled. It seems like something weird is going on. People around us have started getting out of the water.

  I take off my shades again and notice panicked looks on a lot of their faces. Mary notices this too, and she gives me a confused frown. All I can do is sit up in my chair and shrug at her. I have no idea what's going on.

  As everybody starts to leave, the lifeguard comes around and makes a loud announcement.

  "Everyone back to your rooms! We are closing the pool early!"

  Mary and I exchange worried glances, then reluctantly gather our things and go up to our floor. Our elevator car is packed with other grumbling guests. We aren't the only ones upset and disappointed.

  I'm more annoyed than she is, I think. I had a whole perfect evening planned. I was going to surprise her with dinner – maybe a bit more romantic than professional, depending on the signals she was giving off – and maybe a walk on the beach after. I wanted to spend more time together and get to know her a little better, outside of a workplace environment. Now this whole pool business has really spoiled the mood. It upset us both, and the dinner would be a waste of time now because neither of us would be able to enjoy it.

  I sigh and stretch out on my bed. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I don't want to get a stress headache because of all this.

  After I rest for a few minutes, I’m going to need to call someone and find out what's going on. Since so many people left early, I have to think there’s more to be upset and worried about than just the pool closing.

  Also, why would they order us back to our rooms?

  I hope it's nothing too serious.

  After telling myself its’ not big deal, I feel a little better, and I sit up and kick off my shoes. I wonder what Mary is doing? I think I should check on her after I make my phone calls.

  It sounds quiet on the other side of the wall, so maybe she's napping or reading. I picture her stretched out in her bikini, lying on her bed.