Choosing His Virgin (Club Lush Book 7) Page 2
She was dressed very nicely. Particularly for a Halloween party, her dress was sophisticated and glamorous, rather than slutty or devilish. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her beautiful, full tits, and gently turned her around for a glimpse of her lovely, round ass.
I knew it was like I was inspecting her, but I didn’t care. Women came here and let me do whatever I wanted to them. And she was the one I wanted to do things with right now.
“You are very well-dressed for the festivities.”
“Take me too! I’m her friend,” someone called out.
I turned to see another woman, pressed up against the gates where the lovely creature had been.
“I don’t know, friends often cause trouble at these kinds of events.”
They got jealous or clingy and wouldn’t let me have my fun in peace.
It was often easier to not allow them in.
“I won’t attend this bizarre party without her,” the lovely woman I had just chosen said, firmly.
I was surprised and impressed by her directness. She was a demanding one, on the edge of picking a fight with me. I always loved a challenge. And tonight, my challenge was to break her spirit, to make her mine. Apparently, the only way I could do that was to let her friend in, too.
“Fine,” I said, shrugging. “She can come in, too. But don’t let her stop us from having our fun.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, and I liked how obedient she was being for me already.
She was definitely capable of learning, and I had a lot to teach her.
Chapter Three
I was afraid I might have pushed the point too hard. He might still only take m and leave Kendra behind. He looked me in the eyes with a strange and possessive alpha male look that felt almost otherworldly. Like he was something more than human. It must have been the effects of the atmosphere. I almost melted with relief when he relented and let Kendra through as well.
We finally get a good look at the other women he has chosen. There were six or seven of them. All awkwardly sizing each other up.
“I’ve been here every year,” Diana Grayson said, “This the first year I got accepted. I have some idea of what to expect. You all should get a clue as well. This isn’t a run-of-the-mill, vanilla party. You should expect a lot of kinky, sexy stuff. You’d better get ready now. I’ve heard you only get one shot at coming in. It’s a lot more exclusive than Club Velvet.”
I nodded along, presenting to know what the fuck she was talking about. Even though I’d never been to the club.
“You’d better make it count and don’t get in my way.”
The other clustered together and started asking Diana questions and generally socializing. Staying true to the habit of a lifetime Kendra and I stuck together on the fringes.
“He’s coming,” she whispered.
Indeed, he was. His sleek, black-cald body making him look alike a wolf on the prowl. The women who didn’t get picked reluctantly dispersing. He had a group of men with him who just have come out through a side door. Turning on his heel, he starts giving orders like a drill sergeant. The guys look like they are used to being alphas but willingly submit themselves to this superior specimen. Following his orders like good little boys. It was a little disturbing to see.
“Follow me please,” he said to me and the other women, “and get ready for an explanation of some of the night’s events.
It was always fun. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite part but certainly in the top ten. Particularly the expressions of the newbies when they find out exactly what was going to be happening.
“This is a Halloween party but a very special one. Specifically designed around pleasure. Testing your limits, sexually, emotionally and mentally. Pushing you past your fears and bounties for some well-earned treats.”
As I gave the usual intro, marching about, giddy as a tour guide, I brought them through the main rooms. The first had snacks and sexy dancers. The men he already chose suited up as servers.
“They will serve you all the food and drinks you want. If they are very well heard, you can choose one for one of the playrooms. They were chosen by lottery and the numbers are stitched into their jackets. I will leave you for a moment to socialize and then will show you to the rest of the areas.”
Chapter Four
It was like a kinky episode of The Twilight Zone that was too hot for TV. I felt like I fit in about as well as Boy George at a Klan rally yet there I was. It was both creepy and exciting how the host kept looking in my direction. Even though he looks like he is trying to engage with everyone.
The word “playroom” got my attention, and I couldn’t help but wonder what that might mean. Something sexy and kinky, no doubt though, that only stood to reason. I still had trouble coming up with any specifics, but it felt like something I would want no part of when I really thought about it.
I tried to get into it. The food looked good, but I wasn’t sure how hungry I was. Kendra was going at it like she hadn’t eaten in days. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Thinking he might have put some kind of substance in it to make the party goers more compliant.
“I think it might be spiked,” I said to Kendra when he was gone.
“The punch? Probably.”
“No, I mean everything. With something to make us more compliant.”
“I think I smell oysters if that’s what you mean,” Kendra said.
“No, I-”
“Quit being a killjoy will ya. You decided to come. I didn’t even have to argue with you if you remember. It might be Halloween but he’s not some kind of evil mastermind. A mastermind to be sure, particularly in terms of business, but just a bit eccentric.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready to trust. To drink I mean.”
The slip was bad, but Kendra didn’t seem to notice very much. Though she got the look that told me she was miffed, even if she didn’t want to say so.
“Fine, more for me,” Kendra winked, before going off to refresh her cup.
I couldn’t help but feel abandoned. It would be a good idea to stay with her, but I decided to let her cool down a bit first. Then Diana came at me.
I could feel my nerves calming. Diana just had a weird energy that made me feel weary about her. I didn’t want to talk to her but also wasn’t left with much of a choice.
“This is going to be my night,” Diana boasted, “I’m going to make Darren sees me and like what he sees.”
Smugly, she continued.
“I’m going to help you and the other girls enjoy the festivities butt not as much as Darren is going to enjoy me,” she said with a wink, “don’t bother trying to look like you fit in. You already look scared half to death. Maybe it would be better if you and your trampy friend just leave.”
There was a jolt then. A lightning bolt in my mind and I wondered what my big sister would do. Always so much stronger and smarter than me, Tara always seemed to know how to handle any situation.
I had to hide the smirk when I realized exactly what Tara would do. That she would head-butt the bitch.
No one ever noticed the cameras. They were too small and perfectly placed. I’d gotten tips from a friend who ran a casino at the time. Sat in my private room on the second floor I watched the proceedings in the refreshment room on my screen, while I gave them “alone time.”
Suddenly there seemed to be a confrontation between two of the chosen. They were like alternate reality versions of each other. Both green-eyed redheads but that was where their similarities ceased. Going right down to their personalities.
I recognized Diana, of course. She had been both at my gate and in the headlines before. The younger one I had never seen before and honestly didn’t think I would believe existed if I hadn’t seen her myself.
She was far too close to my ideal type. I was being careful until I knew for sure, but she was the one I liked. The natural beauty with the emerald green ey
es and fire red haired down to her perfect, round ass. She was like a goddess from a story book. Reminding more than a little of Brigid.
The confrontation was quite intriguing. I could actually hear Sir David Attenborough in my head as it was happening. Despite having every reason to back down my goddess didn’t. Even in the face of what would be considered a queen, she stood her ground.
More than that, it looked like if it came to blows it would be my preferred girl who would strike first. This only made me more intrigued about what might happen next. I love having wild cards despite myself.
She looked at the camera. It seemed like it should have been impossible, but she did, her eyes seemed like they were burning into mine. Like she knew I was there or at least she wished that I was.
The seeming eye-contact was broken when her friend came back to present a united front, Diana finally backing off. It was about time for me to make another appearance.
Chapter Five
What gall the bitch had. She might have been fancy but that didn’t make her a queen. Even if it seemed like one would have a hard time convincing her of that. She just shit talked me and my best friend for years. I might not have really fit in there, but the gloves were coming off.
“I don’t give a shit,” I said, in a way that made Diana gasp.
“You and your cunning little plan. I don’t give a shit. You’re right. I’m not comfortable here and I don’t belong but you’re thicker than your eyeliner if you think I’m going to let you talk smack like that. Your plots are your business and no one else’s. I’m not really interested in him and really only came because my friend asked me to.”
I knew it was a mistake to turn my back, but I felt a presence behind me. Like someone was watching me. The paranoia that had been taken hold since we arrived took over and I just had to turn and look.
I felt like his energy. I looked back and then up though I didn’t see anything. I lingered for a moment before turning back to Diana. She just some other insult I didn’t catch. Something about how if I wasn’t interested why was I even there.
“Like I said, because Kendra asked me to be. Did you miss that bit? I can write it down for you if you like. Assuming you know how to read.”
It was a cheap shot, but I was angry and lost control. Fortunately, Kendra came back before things could get really nasty.
“You might want to be fucking off now, princess,” Kendra said, giving Diana her best tooth breaking look.
Diana retracted back to her groupies with her pointy tail between her legs, casting back some aspersions but not actually getting brave enough to say anything else.
“They’re just jealous,” Kendra said.
“Of what?”
“Um, your naturally beautiful body, you sexy thing.”
I blushed though I didn’t actually try to contradict her. I had heard similar things from enough to people I trusted to believe that at least they saw me that way.
I headed back downstairs to get the party started properly. The tension seemed to relax on my return and the women followed me gingerly out of the room. Seeming to be glad for the distraction.
I made sure to get my favorite and her friend first, leaving Diana and her pack to follow behind.
“The playrooms are safe areas for people to let loose and explore themselves,” I said, strictly for her benefit.
I felt oddly light up by her. The energy coming off her beautiful, curvy body was almost intoxicating. Even as I led her by the shoulder. She tensed sighed as we walked into the main area.
It was clear she had seen the glass boxes and glassed in stages with various BDSM activities being prepped and demoed by willing employees. There were several such areas leading off from each other.
“My goal is for you all to have a memorable, enjoyable, possibly scary but ultimately fun experience.”
Usually I brought each girl into a box to have fun, but I was so focused on Simone I couldn’t think about anything else. She seemed to have a sort of hold on me and I didn’t want to be with anyone else.
Chapter Six
I didn’t know what to say. I was genuinely freaked out but what was happening. The idea of playrooms coming out to be a lot more horrifying that I ever could have imagined. The glassed-in stages and glass boxes full of all sorts of domination and other kinks my virgin eyes really couldn’t process. Voyeurism, spanking, bondage and other even more scary things.
The more I saw, the more I saw the more scared I got. It reminded me of a chamber of horrors I’d been to as a kid and I’d gotten so scared I’d wet myself.
Though the more I was there, I felt my existential terror turning to intrigue. Though I became even more frightened as we were told to line up for Our turn to be chosen.
They all seemed eager to be with me, though some showed it more than others. Diana had it written all over her face. Her desire almost burning in her cheeks. Bright red bob, venomous green eyes.
“You look familiar,” I tested.
“I’ve come every year since you started holding parties. This is the first year you’ve chosen me,” she said, beaming with pride.
I found this interesting though it was also slightly uncomfortable. Ordinarily I would jump at the chance to be with such a willing submissive, tough she didn’t feel challenging enough.
She was already open and seemed like she would do whatever I wanted. I saw obedience and trust as a goal. It seemed she liked BDSM play more than she liked me as a dom. Plus, I got a bit of a manipulator myself, I could spot a fake a mile away in thick fog. Though it was something even more than that.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the other girl. The absolute sweetie pie that seemed like she was looking right into me through the camera there was no way she could have known about. Except maybe by sixth sense. Like here essence was feeling mine or something like that.
Normally I wasn't so smitten, but my gaze kept going to the end of the line where Simone was. She kept looking about the room with an expression that was equal parts fascination and arousal. It could be interesting to see her reactions urging play.
Skirts up and panties down. That was the theme as I walked the line. The women spreading their pussies and playing with themselves as I paused. They all looked delicious, yet I was only interested in one.
“Boys,” I called, the studs coming in at my word.
They lined up like soldiers, knowing my will almost as well as I did. It was a different kind of submission, almost everyone I encountered giving themselves over to me in one way or another
“Take your pick of the women,” I said.
They set of like greyhounds, making their selections, most of the girls going off willingly to start playing.
“Not her,” I said firmly to the stud who was going for my girl, much to her dismay.
“She’s mine. She will be the only woman I want this evening.”
The gasp was nearly deafening. It was a change of tradition to be sure, but I was the one who made the rules.
“Sorry, sir,” he said, backing off.
“It’s okay. Go join Luke with Diana. Looks like he can use all the help he can get.”
“Yes, sir.”
Chapter Seven
He was making me wait. Everyone else was already paired off. The numbers ended up not counting for much. Apparently, they had done so with the first room he had made it a free for all. Or maybe he like changing rules on a dime to keep people on their toes.
They were already in the boxes and beginning their respective rituals while I stood near the door. Wondering if the host was actually going to do anything. I wasn’t able to participate, even if it did fill me with both lust and dread, though I could watch.
I didn’t actually have much choice. My eyes kept being drawn to the boxes and the stages where everything was happening. Th
e women in the group with me already stripped and having all manner of things done to them. Getting blindfolded and flogged. Handcuffed and having hot wax poured on them.
Diana was tied up in some kind of structure that looked like a web. She was blind-folded and ball-gagged as she got fucked by two of the boys. Their massive cocks pumping her tiny holes. On the more extreme end, one of the girls had her arms bound behind her back and was getting weights clamped to her nipples and pussy lips.
One of the guys fucking Diana pulled out of her pussy and applied a clit pump as the other guy kept fucking her in the ass. Muffled screams filled my head though I couldn’t tell if they were of pleasure or pain.
Without meaning to, I caught sight of Kendra. She was on one of the stages, being strapped into a swing of some kind. When she was strapped in with wrist and leg restraints, the guy blind-folded and gagged her with black duct tape. Then he took a shiny rubber thing that looked like a spade on cards and, to my amazed horror, slid it right up her asshole. She jumped and shuddered as it went in, but she didn’t resist. Soon settling back down into position.
He left the thing inside her and started putting his fingers in her pussy. Just when he had gotten more fingers in than I ever thought would even be possible he kept going. Right the way up until his hand disappeared entirely. Like a disturbingly sexy magic trick.
Kendra started to shudder again. Hard shakes rippling through her body, making the straps of the swing shake. When the trebling subsided, I assumed with her orgasm, he removed his hand from her pussy and then the thing from her ass. Right before sticking his almost frighteningly big cock right up her ass where the toy had been.
Kendra arched her back hard and let out a noise I could hear through the glass. She relaxed again and he started to fuck her asshole. Gently at first and then harder until he was pounding her, and I could hear her through the glass again.