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My Father's Rich Friend's Secret Baby Page 4
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Page 4
Getting out of bed, I remembered how last night’s conversation with James had gone. And I smiled.
I would see Valeria today at work.
I dragged myself to the floor and conjured enough strength for my morning workout. One-hundred pushups and similar crunches always got me pumped.
After I was done, I clapped my hands together, and my computer assistant came to life. Being rich was awesome.
“Good morning, sir. I trust you slept well?” the mechanical monotone of the computer-simulated voice swept through the entire house.
“Yes, I did, Truman. Thank you for asking. Bring me up to speed on today’s events worldwide, correlating them with my company’s finances. After that, give me insight on the plight of politics today,” I commanded, getting ready for the shower.
“Yes, Sir,” Truman echoed, and droned on, giving me what I asked for.
Truman was not only artificial intelligence. He… it… was a program that I had created to help me with my daily duties whenever Jonathan wasn’t around. I created him as soon as I graduated from college and had kept him an in-house secret. Think of it like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, with a side of humor and the capacity to run on any machine anywhere in the world.
Jonathan was actually the one who initially came up with the idea for Truman, and it was our first project together. He always presumed he would never be around to tend to his “ever so increasing responsibilities,” as he quaintly put it, and there was nothing better to trust than something we had built together.
He had added his candid sense of humor to Truman’s programming, of course.
Years had passed and the in-house secret had proven fruitful in more ways and scenarios than I could count. Now, the program finished its job and printed out the results in the downstairs office, after reading them aloud to me.
“All done, Sir. Shall I prepare the coffee and toast as you like it?”
Yup, perfect, I thought, as I popped into the shower.
My entire house was wired to a server so complex and hidden that only three entities knew about it. Everything was controlled only by my voice or Jon’s, and it was proven unhackable. The tech I had at my disposal was way ahead of the current joke everyone else boasted over, and I liked to keep it that way.
“Get the car ready, Truman,” I commanded. “And the other things I need before I leave.”
“Right away, Sir.”
Thanks to Truman’s communications with my household staff, which included both human and robotic employees, both of which were trained to respond to Truman’s every instruction, I got my suit fresh and pressed on my bed, and my breakfast on the ready.
Going as fast as I could while also watching the birds on the fountain and birdbath get a drink, I couldn’t help but notice a white dove perched on the stone, seemingly watching me.
That’s weird, I thought.
But Jonathan had a thing for the superstitious, and I took it as good luck.
“Shut down and lock up the entire house and compound as soon as I leave, Truman. I’ll need you in the car,” I commanded, as I walked out of the house.
“Right away, Sir,” Truman responded.
I could hear the locks click shut and the beeps on the motion detectors set themselves into place as I took my stride carefully on the stone steps. With Jonathan around, I never needed to worry about the place, but according to the status quo, I liked my privacy as it was.
The manor was elegant as usual, and the sun streamed through the old moss growing fresh on the Victorian walls.
The blue Aston Martin accentuated my look. I fluffed my lapel and adjusted the pin that acted as my tie. The car door automatically opened, and I got in.
“Are we comfortable, Sir?” Truman asked.
The more confined the space was, the more human he tended to sound.
“Yes. And all because of you, Truman. Now, to work. And watch the traffic this time, alright?”
“Double-time, Sir!” he boomed, as the engine of the sweet car roared to life.
I was so anxious once more as I looked at the palms of my hands. We sped through the empty pathways and roads and arrived in the city as fast as Truman had plotted our route to get us there. The upgrade to his new system seemed to have paid off.
See you soon, Valeria.
I smiled at the thought, feeling my dick stir.
Chapter Eight
The tips of my toes curled in protest to the cold breeze that settled in my room suddenly. Sleep was getting lost to me, and I could hear the raspy voice of my mother speed through her good morning and rush me to wake up. I couldn’t understand what her problem was.
“…be quick and rise or you’ll be late. Hurry up!” she bellowed, as I felt my covers get pulled away from me abruptly.
The cold stung. I opened my eyes to see the window open and the sun peeking through a fluffy cloud in the blue hazy sky.
“Morning, Mom,” I unconvincingly replied, slightly wallowing in amnesia and wondering why I was up so early… until a thought hit me.
I wasn’t a virgin anymore. I had let my biggest crush, my father’s very rich friend from back in the day, Alexander Foster, take me in the church bathroom the day before. It was like a crazy dream or fantasy.
Remembering that made me smile.
“…Mr. Foster called last night,” Mom was saying.
I sat straight up in bed.
“What about Mr. Foster?” I demanded.
Mom glared at me and rolled her eyes. She always got annoyed with me so quickly.
“The rich man has offered your lazy ass a job. So, get up and get moving!”
She put one hand on her hip and pointed at my bedroom door with the other.
I jumped out of bed in an instant and made Mom almost fall as I pushed past her.
“Valeria!” she screamed. “You be careful!”
She did have a temper with the smallest of things.
Andrew, my brother, the brat, definitely got that from her.
I ran through the door, leaving my irritated mom behind to clear up the sheets and blankets I had let fall to the carpeted floor of my small cramped room. The hallway was clear, and I was glad neither Andrew nor Dad was awake yet, as I sped through the corridor and into the bathroom.
I had a job with Alexander Foster, and I was not going to let that opportunity slide due to lateness.
In the bathroom, I hurriedly showered and grabbed a towel from the rack fixed on the green wall and then dried myself. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could not help but think and smile at the thought of yesterday.
I’m no longer a virgin. Here I come, Alexander.
Getting something to wear to a new job was something I had not thought of in a while, and with forty minutes to go till I had to be to work on my first day at The Foster Group, I was in distress.
“Why aren’t you getting dressed, dear?”
Mom, who had seemingly calmed down a bit, had walked into my room to check up on me.
“I have no idea what to wear, Mom,” I said, looking a bit stressed out.
Inside, I was absolutely freaked.
“Well, how about that violet dress your aunt got you last Christmas? You could highlight it with that black blazer you keep on putting away. I know you associate it with some bad memories,” she recalled, “but you can make it have good ones, too.”
True, that black blazer with tiny grey buttons at its pockets, with a flair of grey fabric at the hem, had some bad memories. Forgetting them would be a miracle, and when my mom left me to change, I couldn’t help but remember that brutal event.
I was young and haughty, just having learned how my body was changing and growing, when my dad had bought me the blazer. It was so comfortable, and I felt so adult when I wore it. It had a nice inner lining that kept me warm as I walked through the cold evening air. I loved it and wore it every day.
One night I was walking home. I decided to take a shor
tcut through an alleyway behind a shopping complex and hadn’t noticed the shadows creeping up behind me.
Three rugged men from the local bar had been watching me as I turned into the alleyway and they had decided to try to have their way with me. They pinned me down and one of them licked his lips sadistically, and the other two tied my arms up with pieces of my dress that they had ripped off.
I was in agony and had no other thoughts in my head.
God, I know I am not worthy of your help. But please do not let my innocence be taken by these vile men. Please…
I did not get to finish my prayer.
A loud thud and cracking of bones shot through the air and all I could see were the three men lying in misery, as the one man I could always depend on came to my rescue. My father, the former boxer.
He had followed my path on his way home and had taken to notice my change in direction. His parental senses had sniffed out trouble, and he dealt with it accordingly.
The sheriff was actually not surprised at the action my dad took. It’s because of that incident that my reputation as a “no-fly zone” for boys soared. The only remnant I have of that day as my dad carried me high in his arms, was that black blazer. I took my mom’s advice and put it on anyway.
A chirp from outside my old yellow-framed window brought me back to reality, and I turned my head to see a dove.
That’s rare, I thought.
It’s good luck though, I reassured myself, with a smile.
I got dressed and checked myself in the mirror. Satisfied that I looked like a good combination of both professional and sexy, I cooed at myself in the glass. My clothes hugged my curves.
I now felt like an experienced goddess, ever since Alexander had plucked my cherry. My looks were just enough to take any cock to the depths of eternal sin.
My pussy quivered and pulsed, but I only smiled. Soon I would see Alexander again.
“May God be with you, child,” smiled my dad, as I walked up him to wish him a good day, while he was sitting at the kitchen table.
He was chewing on his breakfast of cereal and black tea.
“Before you go, want some tea?” he joked.
He knew I hated that stuff. It was too strong for my sinuses.
“No, thanks, Dad. Maybe I can bring you some pizza on my way home from work.”
I knew that would take the smirk off his face, and it did. My dad was the last person you would ever find partaking in pizza. He was a health freak and abhorred the culture, even if my mom loved that shit.
Andrew was still asleep.
Thank God. I didn’t need his annoying antics as a distraction before leaving for my very first day of working for Alexander.
“Bye, guys. Wish me luck and pray for me.”
I waved as I left the house in quick yet graceful strides.
I had ten minutes to go, and the office was a five minute bus ride from home. I would walk the rest of the way.
See you soon, Alexander.
Chapter Nine
This building is fucking huge, I thought, as I walked up to the front doors of the FGC building in downtown L.A.
The guards at the front desk provided enough security to make anyone feel assured of their safety.
One of them, a hairy, older man, leered at me sexually as he waved the metal detector all around my body. I felt slightly vulnerable as he eyed and paused at my big boobs and slowly looked towards my ass.
He had a thirst that scared me, and I reminded myself that wolves could be anywhere, even a fat one like this guy.
“Place your purse here. Take off all metal jewelry on your body, and if you have any piercings or metal augmentations, do state so before walking in,” the other bored looking but seemingly highly trained guard droned.
I was not expecting to get the third degree just to come through the entrance of the building.
“I have no piercings,” I responded, shifting nervously at the huge machine with a glass wall all round it.
Only one person could fit in there at a time with arms outstretched.
“Step right in, Miss,” he drawled, carelessly walking towards his seat behind the monitor, but in the set of his eye I saw a calculating man.
He reminded me a little of my dad.
The creepy one kept silent, eyeing me as I strutted in a fast pace towards the machine. The doors closed and a voice crackled through the intercom.
“Arms outstretched, please. There’s nothing to fear, lady,” the seated one added, clearly seeing my nervousness.
A whoosh of cold air swooped all around me, and a buzzing noise entailed. A soft beep toned after a few seconds.
“You may step outside, miss. You’re alright to go in,” the creepy one stated.
“Say, are you gonna be around much?” he asked next, with a comfortable lean on the desk.
“Maybe. I’m not so sure,” I replied carefully.
These men were clearly up to something that did not bode well with my gut, and my gut never lied.
“Alrighty then, missy. I’ll see you when you leave,” the creepy one winked.
I briskly walked away from them and got to the reception area.
“Hi. I’m looking for Mr. Foster’s office, please,” I inquired to the lady behind the desk, who was on the phone and looking clearly upset that I had interrupted her call.
She mouthed the words “top floor” with a thumb up, and went about her business.
As I walked to the elevator, I couldn’t help but wonder why Alexander had those two huge security guards at the front doors to his main office.
Top floor, I muttered to myself.
The elevator had shiny buttons. It all looked too new.
Alexander clearly never left any expense unspent when it came to his business. The rush that comes to one while in the elevator was replaced by a sick feeling, and not for the inertia, but for what would happen in the meeting with the man who fucked me raw the day before.
I double checked myself in the mirror and smiled.
I look good… too good to be committing a sin. Oh Lord, forgive my thoughts. I’m just a young girl with yearning in her heart… you mustn’t punish me…
The elevator came to a slow halt, and the majestic grey doors with brown wooden finishing emblazoned with the AF insignia opened, bringing me full on to the entire floor dedicated to Alexander’s office.
A green pair of eyes belonging to one of the most red-haired, middle aged women I had ever seen scanned me from afar, and all I could do was to walk straight toward her with zero fear. Public speaking at school and church made this a walk in the park.
“Do you have an appointment?” cooed the attractive secretary at the front desk.
She had the kind of smile that could only be found in random 4 a.m. toothpaste commercials. She was tall and had the fragrance of buttermilk and strawberries.
“I… um… yes. I believe I do. Mr. Foster confirmed it with my parents last night,” I spat out.
I was definitely sure that came out wrong, for she raised an eyebrow at me at the last part of my statement.
Did she think I was some child who needed to have all appointments arranged through my parents?
“I mean, he called my father to confirm it… I didn’t mean to imply…” I started, when she cut me off.
“Don’t worry, young lady, I understand what you meant.”
She smiled understandingly, with a motherly tone that I had not expected.
“Let me inform him that you are in,” she assured, while pointing me towards the waiting lounge.
She picked up the office phone and spoke silently to the man on the other line. Alexander was feared and respected, it seemed.
The way the otherwise very composed and professional-sounding secretary rasped nervously through the phone spoke volumes about how he ran his business.
Placing the phone down, she looked in my direction and smiled.
“Mr. Foster will see you now.”
Chapter Ten
My secretary called me, informing me of a young lady who wanted to see me. I could feel the jealousy vibrating in her voice, and I smiled, knowing how badly Nancy had wanted me. But I was a man of control, and never mixed business with pleasure, to the approval of the two husbands she had previously divorced in the tenure she had been working for me.
Now that Valeria was in my life, Nancy had no chance at all.
It was true that I was breaking my normal rule about not mixing business and pleasure for Valeria. But I couldn’t help it. I wanted her near me all the time. She made me want to do crazy things.
I was good at masking my own nervousness, with years of practice. But when I cracked the door open and saw my beautiful girl standing there before me, all the words I had mustered to spew out vanished and left me dumb.
“May I come in, Sir?” Valeria politely asked.
Man, this girl.
She had me twisted up with desire.
Finally, my lips unsealed themselves and my breath followed after.
“Yes, please,” I wolfed out.
Looking towards the front desk, I added, “Nancy, kindly push my appointments back by an hour.”
“But, Sir, the investors…” she started, clear disapproval resonating in her voice.
“That will be all,” I eyed her with authority.
“Yes, Sir,” she answered, albeit defiantly.
As I closed the door behind us, a voice that sent shivers down my spine whispered, “You just had to see me again, didn’t you?”
I turned my neck just to feast my eyes on this feisty beauty. Valeria had a way with words, or perhaps it was just how she said them.
She looked immaculate, in a violet dress with a deep black jacket that ended just where her curves began. Her blonde hair fell back on her shoulders and she had a light touch of mascara, leading up to her beautiful eyes.
She stood defiantly, with her heels grasping her feet in ways I wanted my tongue to, and her calves curved all the way smoothly to the edge of her knees, where her violet seduction began. She was absolutely fucking gorgeous.