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My Fireman's Secret Baby Page 7
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Page 7
I'm so proud of Mylah for her creative thinking. I stand there watching everyone gathered outside the clinic. More people are arriving. I can hear them talking about the puppies. I still hold the boa in my arms, who seems quite comfortable there now.
Suddenly I hear, “Wow, cool snake!” to the side of me. I look and see two boys standing there. “Can we pet him?” one of the boys asks in awe.
“Sure,” I reply leaning down. They call over some of their friends. The whole group takes turns petting the snake and high-fiving each other.
Out of nowhere, Grayson Bell appears. I never really liked the guy, given his reputation around town as snotty, but now that I know how he treated Mylah, I hate him.
He glares at us. “Go on, get out of here,” he snaps, chasing the kids away. They walk away, muttering angrily. Grayson ignores them.
I stand up with the snake in my arms. I can't believe this guy is here. “You know you shouldn't be here. You're just wasting your time chasing after Mylah. You should stop if you know what is good for you.” He sneers. I shake my head in disbelief. “You've got some nerve,” I reply. Who does this arrogant ass think he is?
Grayson smirks. “Just give up on her already. She doesn't want anything to do with you.”
I try to turn away from him and ignore him. I can see this aggravates him, so I'm enjoying it.
I sigh as Grayson opens his mouth and starts talking again. “You know, the whole time Mylah was living with you, she was sleeping with me. We were fucking behind your back. Now she is pregnant with my child.”
He has a kind of malevolent gleam in his eye when I turn around to face him. I want to punch him so bad. I don't think I believe him, but I'm still shocked. If that is the truth, it would explain why Mylah left in such a hurry.
I try not to let my thoughts or emotions show through. I don't want to give this jerk the satisfaction. We both look up as the crowd ahead of us starts moving out of the way. Mylah walks through the people. She stands in front of us.
Before she can say anything, I ask, “Are you pregnant?” My question doesn't shock her. I can see her cheeks flush, however.
She lowers her eyes to the ground and speaks in a shy voice. “Yes. That's why I left.”
I don't need to look at Grayson to see the satisfaction on his face. Yet, for once, I am too angry for words. How could I have been such a fool?
Ignoring Mylah, I turn and hand the snake to Grayson. I turn away from them both and stomp through the crowd back to my car. I want to be as far away from both of them as I possibly can.
I get in the car, slamming the door and angrily speeding away. I drive as fast as I can back home. It doesn't help the humiliation and betrayal that I feel. How could I have let this happen? I get out of the car and stomp all the way up to my room. I throw myself face-first on the bed. I wish I could just turn off all my thoughts and emotions. I really thought Mylah and I had something special. I guess I was mistaken.
Chapter Eighteen - Mylah
All I can do is stand there and watch Kyst walk away. Soon he is out of sight. This is the most disappointment I have ever felt in my entire life. My body feels so heavy, I’m surprised I can stand up.
I was shocked to see Kyst here. That's why I walked over. I mean, sure, things are awkward between us, but I was still touched that he showed up. I just want to know why he left like that. It takes me a few seconds to realize that he left as soon as I got close. So I guess Grayson was right, Kyst never wanted me, and he certainly isn't going to want the baby either.
I sigh deeply as I feel my heart break all over again. I can't believe that Grayson is right about something. That only adds to my feelings of despair.
My ex stands next to me with a smug grin on his face. “See, I told you that he didn't want anything to do with you. So now you can be with me,” he says, gloating.
A few people are close enough to hear us, so they turn a little and watch. The majority of them glare at Grayson. He is too busy gloating that he loses his grip on Huggie and drops him on the ground. Several people gasp in horror and anger.
Seeing the way that Grayson is acting now brings up all the memories of our past relationship. I am reminded of the way he treated me and the whole reason that I ended things. He is such a jerk. Even if he's right about Kyst, I never should have listened to him. I should have had the guts to kick him out like Kyst did. Maybe that's what I should do now.
My hands clench into fists at my side. More people in the crowd have turned to watch us now. There are whispers. They form a circle around us and are all glaring at Grayson.
“Get it through your head. I'll never be with you no matter what!” I yell in anger, finally finding my voice. Someone in the crowd applauds. Grayson glares at me and is ready to argue, but I speak first. “I would rather be a single mother for the rest of my life than end up with someone as cruel as you!” I yell.
The crowd claps and cheers. “Whoo! You go!” someone yells out.
Grayson takes a step backwards and looks around. The people edge closer to him, voicing their anger. He takes a few more steps before he starts running. Some of the rowdier members of the crowd chase him away.
I’m still trembling with emotions, but part of me feels lighter as I watch him leave. I hope that is the last I will ever see of him. I know I can't lose control of my feelings, so I start to walk back into the clinic. There are pats on my back from the crowd. Some are congratulatory, others are sympathetic. It's nice to be acknowledged, especially in moments like this. I don't know how I am going to make it through the rest of the day, but I have to try.
I try to smile and appear as normal as I can throughout the rest of the day. It is so difficult. As I continue my work, I feel like I’m wearing a mask. I have this smile on my face, but it's not what I feel inside. It feels like my heart is breaking. I'm so sad, and I really miss Kyst. Not to mention I am terrified by the idea of having to raise this baby on my own. Still, I force myself to smile and put on a cheerful front while I am with the clients. This is the most miserable that I have ever felt. I don't think things could get any worse than this.
By late afternoon there is a little relief. All of the puppies were adopted. I'm glad they went to loving homes. The mother dog was one of the last ones to get adopted. It was adorable to see her jumping all over her owner. But, the most surprising thing to happen today was someone adopting the boa. I never would have predicted that happening.
The crowd finally left. I go to my office, get a sip of water, and a few seconds to myself.
My day isn't quite over yet. I have one client left, so I finish my water and walk out to the waiting room. An older lady sits there with her poodle.
“Okay. I'll see you now,” I say pleasantly. We give each other polite smiles as I lead her and her dog to the back. I lift the dog onto the examination table.
“Thank you so much for seeing us today,” the lady says.
“It’s no problem. Did you have any concerns?” I ask as I gesture for her to sit down.
She gives me a grateful smile as she sits in the chair. “Yes, I think there is something wrong with my dog's ear, but I'm not sure,” the lady answers helpfully. I like her. She is lovely. I feel comfortable around her.
The dog resists a little as I try to check its ears. “It’s going to be okay,” I coo, comforting it. Eventually, I’m able to check both of its ears. In one, I find a seedpod. All it takes is a thin set of tweezers to get it out.
“I like the way you did that, soothing the dog. You would make a great mother,” the woman says. I am caught off guard by her statement, but I try not to show it. Instead, I focus on fixing the dog’s ear. “That is important in motherhood, the ability to calm. At least, I found it helpful when raising my kids.” The woman chuckles.
“Oh? You have kids?” I ask as I get interested in the conversation.
“Yes. I raised them all on my own. Being a single mother is difficult but
rewarding,” she replies.
“Do you really think so?” I ask with hesitation.
“Yes. In fact, if you were in that situation, I think you would do just fine. You have those maternal instincts, and you're stronger than you think,” she says, giving me a kind smile.
I smile back at her and continue working. I take comfort in her words. They were what I needed to hear right now.
“All done,” I say a few minutes later. I give the dog a pat on the head. He wags his tail.
“It wasn't too much trouble?” The last asks, getting up from the chair.
“Not at all. He got a sticker caught in there. Easy to fix,” I reply, helping the dog down.
The woman takes my hand. “It will be difficult, what you are going through, but you'll be fine,” she says, giving my hand a comforting squeeze. I smile at her, then watch as she leaves the room with her dog.
Chapter Nineteen - Kyst
Two Months Later
I let out another miserable sigh. I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of this depression that I am feeling. It seems like it is only getting worse with each passing day.
I'm in the living room, sitting by myself. The house feels lonely and empty. It's a decent day outside, but even the sunny weather isn't enough to cheer me up. I look around the room. Then, finally, my eyes come to a stop at the calendar on the wall, and I notice the date. It has been about two months since everything that happened with Mylah.
I miss her every day. I'm so sad without her. I can still see her sitting here with me, talking and laughing. I try to ignore the memories, but still, I don't have the heart to enjoy life anymore. Without Mylah, nothing about life seems worth it. I have been considering leaving town because of everything that has happened. I love living on my ranch. It is my favorite place, but let's face it, everything here reminds me of Mylah now. Even when I go to town, I drive past her clinic every time. I'm constantly reminded of her and Grayson, and it's all too much to handle. Finally, I can't take it anymore. I really think that leaving might be the best thing. I’ll go somewhere new and start over again.
My phone rings. I don't bother to check the number. “Hello?” I answer glumly.
“We need you, Kyst. Major fire in town,” The chief says and hangs up.
I put up my phone and grab my keys before running out the door and jumping in my car. No matter what I'm going through, I am still dedicated to my job and to saving lives.
As I'm driving, I call the chief back. “I'm on my way. Do I meet you at the station?” I ask.
“No, go right to the scene. I texted you the address,” he replies, hanging up.
I look at the text and drive as fast as possible. I'm so focused on the job I don't even realize where I am going.
As I'm driving through town, I realize the area looks familiar. I grab my phone and recheck the address. It’s Mylah's clinic. Fuck. I need to make sure she is okay. I speed down the street. The rest of the crew is already here. I see smoke and flames pouring out of the building. I pull up behind the truck, jump out of my car, grab my gear, and put it on as fast as possible. Once I'm dressed, I run past everyone and straight into the building.
I look around at all the flames and smoke. Everything is a wreck and being consumed by the fire. As I walk through the waiting room, walls of flames surround me. The smoke is thick and hazy.
The door to the office is open, but no one is in there. I look inside to make sure and am confused. It seems like someone has been living here. There is a makeshift bed in one corner. On the desk is some food and other snacks. A bag of toiletries is on the filing cabinet. All are melting in flames.
Does this mean Mylah has been living here? That's odd. I thought she would have moved in with Grayson since she is having his baby.
I move out of the office and look around. There is no sign of anyone. Maybe she isn't here. Suddenly I hear the sounds of panicked yelling and screaming coming from the back of the building. I run as fast as I can to the back room. I push open the door, which wasn't difficult to do because of the destruction of the fire. I look around and see her.
Mylah is very pregnant. She is yelling at the animals to run. “Go! Get out!” she shouts as she opens the cages. It's chaos as some of the animals run. Others are too scared to move.
I react instinctively and start pulling her out of the room. It's challenging to get my arms around her because she is cradling a giant lizard to her chest. Nevertheless, I guide her quickly through the burning wreckage.
Finally, we are outside on the sidewalk. Mylah stands there clutching the lizard. I can't help myself. I burst into laughter. My laughter intensifies as some of the other firefighters walk out of the building carrying odd animals, including a giant Macaw. You don't see this kind of stuff every day.
Mylah turns to look at the burning building and starts sobbing. I immediately stop laughing and wrap my arms around her. “Shhhh, it will be okay,” I say, consoling her.
I am so glad that she is okay and grateful that I could see her again. She looks just as beautiful as ever. Pregnancy suits her nicely.
I walk with her to the firetruck since the paramedics have just arrived. They rush over to check her out. But, before they do, Mylah turns to me. “Will you stay with me, Kyst?” she asks in a tearful voice.
I stroke her hair. “Of course. I am here. I am never going to leave you again,” I promise her. I mean that. I don't want to let her go, despite everything that has happened.
She nods and turns to the paramedics. They are all set up for her. I wait by her side as they check all of her vitals. They feel her stomach as well.
“Ma'am, do you want us to notify the father of the baby that you were in a fire? For safety reasons?” the paramedic asks.
Rather than look, Mylah points her index finger at me. “He already knows. He’s right here.”
My jaw drops, and I turn to stare at her, shocked into silence. She won't look at me. Could she be telling the truth?
Chapter Twenty - Mylah
“Okay, ma'am. You and your baby are both okay and safe to leave,” the paramedic says.
“Thank you.”
They pack up their gear and walk back to the vehicle. Before I have a chance to think about what is happening, Kyst gets my attention. I turn to look at him. He is just as handsome as I remember.
His eyes are wide with shock as he speaks. “I thought this baby was Grayson's!” he blurts out.
It's my turn to be shocked. I'm emotional and crying once again. Just the thought of that. “How could you think something like that?” I sob.
Kyst hugs me. I can hear regret and shame in his voice. “Grayson told me that when I came to the clinic to return your snake the day of the dog adoption. I was stupid to believe it. A part of me knew it wasn't true, but I ignored that.”
I stop crying and dry my eyes. I am so relieved to hear him say that. I look up into his gorgeous face. “You are the only man that I have ever been with,” I admit honestly.
I see the relief on his face. I know he believes me. I feel better now that I am with him and we are talking.
“Mylah, I am sorry for being stupid and acting the way that I did. I was the cause for all of this. Can you forgive me?” Kyst asks. I smile softly at him as I nod. He smiles back. He reaches for my hand. “Would you come and live with me?” he asks without hesitation.
My heart skips a beat. I had been waiting for him to say those words. I was worried that he was never going to. “Of course!” I reply happily.
Kyst smiles and pulls me closer for a gentle hug and kiss. I feel like I'm on cloud nine.
The fire chief approaches us and clears his throat. We both look at him.
“What's the news?” Kyst asks.
“Well, it looks like the fire was deliberately set,” the chief says, looking at his notes.
Kyst and I look at each other then back at the chief. “Do you have any idea who could have done it?” Kyst asks ser
“Yes. We reviewed surveillance footage from a neighboring building and saw a man leaving the scene. We have identified him as Grayson Bell. The police are on route to his residence now,” the chief informs us.
“Grayson! So, they are going to arrest him?” Kyst asks, wanting confirmation.
“Yes. This is a grave matter,” The chief says before walking away.
I'm so glad to hear that. I actually sigh aloud with relief. Kyst looks at me and raises his eyebrows.
“It’s comforting to know I won't be bothered by him anymore,” I explain.
“Trust me, I hear ya.” Kyst nods. I laugh a little. Exhausted from the day, I give a small yawn. “Come on, let's go home,” he says.
I smile at him. I love the way that sounds.
Together we walk back towards the building. The fire is out. We collect all the animals and find space for all of them in the backseat of the car. Kyst is such a gentleman. He helps me carefully into the passenger seat before we drive away. We follow the familiar road back to his ranch. It feels so good to be going this way again. I sneak a glance at Kyst. I missed him so much.
We arrive at the house faster than I expected. Kyst opens the front door then comes back to help me with the animals. It takes us nearly an hour to get them all situated in the house. Afterward, we both collapse on the couch, ready to relax. It's been such a long day.
As we sit there, I feel Kyst watching me. I turn to look at him as he reaches out and caresses my cheek. I place my hand over his. Slowly he leans forward and gives me a tender kiss. All those old feelings rise to the surface. He is about to pull away, but I hold onto him. With familiarity, he lies me back on the couch. I pull him on top of me as we kiss. He sinks between my legs.
I feel like I’m home. My fireman kisses every part of my body through my clothes. It's not enough. I need him. I start unbuttoning his shirt and pants. Soon he is naked. I pull off my dress and lay there in my bra and panties. Kyst stares at me. He leans down and kisses my pregnant belly.